As the political debate surrounding the UK’s exit from the European Union rages on, the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society Annual Public Lecture will discuss citizenship in the age of Brexit.
‘Citizenship, ‘Race’ and Class: Hannah Arendt and Raymond Williams in the age of Brexit’ will be delivered by Professor Daniel G Williams, Director of the Richard Burton Centre for the Study of Wales at Swansea University.
Open to everyone, the lecture takes place on Friday 23 November 2018 at the Main Hall, International Politics Building, Aberystwyth University at 7:00pm, and follows a reception at 6.30pm.
Professor Williams, who is originally from Aberystwyth, will seek to understand Brexit by reflecting on the work of an unlikely pairing, Raymond Williams and Hannah Arendt.
Williams was a Welsh cultural thinker, while Arendt, who escaped Nazi Germany, was an influential analyst of totalitarianism and the fate of refugees.
Professor Williams will explore the connections between them, and reflect on what their thinking might reveal about citizenship, ‘race’ and nation-statehood as we face the looming possibility of Brexit.
Professor Michael Woods, Co-Director of the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society said: “With continuing uncertainty around Brexit and what it means for Wales, Professor William’s lecture will be a timely and thought-provoking talk on how we think about citizenship.”
Tickets for the lecture ‘Citizenship, ‘Race’ and Class: Hannah Arendt and Raymond Williams in the age of Brexit’ can be booked online here.
The Centre for Welsh Politics and Society (CWPS) is an interdisciplinary research centre at Aberystwyth University, which brings together academics from departments across the humanities and social sciences.
It is also the Aberystwyth arm of WISERD, providing links with social scientists at Bangor, Cardiff, South Wales and Swansea universities.
CWPS holds a range of events, many of them open to the public. Further information is available online here, where it is possible to sign up for regular e-mail updates.
Professor Williams will also be speaking at the ‘Writing Welsh Identities’ conference on Saturday 24 November between 1:30 and 5:00pm at Aberystwyth University’s Old College.
Centre for Welsh Politics and Society
Reserve a ticket for the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society Annual Lecture – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/annual-lecture-prof-daniel-williams-citizenship-race-and-class-hannah-arendt-and-raymond-williams-tickets-51398549445
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