Melting of glaciers in a major Alaskan icefield has accelerated and could reach an irreversible tipping point earlier than previously thought, new research suggests.
The research, involving scientists at Aberystwyth University in Wales, found that glacier loss on Juneau Icefield, which straddles the boundary

Melting of Alaskan glaciers accelerating faster than thought

Seals reveal age of Antarctic water for first time
The age of water in the Antarctic is being revealed by seals for the first time.
Aberystwyth University researchers are beginning to receive satellite data from seals showing how much oxygen is contained in the region’s water – a way of measuring its age and where

Scarlets appoint Leigh Jones as new Rugby Performance Director
The Scarlets are delighted to announce that experienced former international coach and elite rugby operations director Leigh Jones will join the club as their new Rugby Performance Director.
With extensive experience in high-performance rugby environments both internationally and at club level, Leigh most recently led

Latest On Song column – June 26
IN an age when many male voice choirs are falling by the wayside, it is good to report that the Tumble and Cross Hands area can still boast a strong group of choristers.
Members of Côr Meibion Mynydd Mawr held their annual meeting this week

Blog posts News Newspaper columns
The latest Phil Evans column – June 26
The Pain Of Being A Super-Mega Star
Despite my considerable literary talent and comedic brilliance, my natural humility prevents me from behaving like a super-mega star.
I’m content to remain an ordinary, everyday genius.
Anyone can approach me in the street, put out their

Latest On Song column – June 19
THE name of Côr Meibion Llanelli Male Voice Choir is being kept alive through a new Young Musician of the Year competition which takes place this weekend.
The choir finished active performing last year after struggling to recruit new members and officials.
But a choir