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Category: News


Blog posts News

Nominations needed now for Carmarthen Town Council Sports Awards

Posted By RobertLloyd58

THE starting gun has been fired to find nominations for the 2024 Carmarthen Town Council Sports Awards.
Sporting clubs and individuals are being asked to submit their nominations in 11 categories.
The awards are hotly contested each year and the independent judging panel includes Llanelli,

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News Newspaper columns

South Wales Evening Post column, September 6, 2024

Posted By RobertLloyd58

IT may be 80 years on, but the people of a Dutch city show no signs of ever forgetting the role Welsh soldiers played in their liberation during World War Two.
Back in 2011, I was privileged to join the old Côr Meibion Llanelli Male

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Blog posts News

Saturday is the day for Carmarthen River Festival

Posted By RobertLloyd58

This year’s Carmarthen River Festival will take place on Saturday, August 17.
The fun-filled day at the town’s Quayside will start at 3pm and run into the early evening.
And for the first time in its history, the perennial summer favourite will end with a

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News Press releases

Aberystwyth project using storytelling to preserve local memories in Myanmar

Posted By RobertLloyd58

Underground educators in war-torn Myanmar are using community storytelling to recapture their histories and celebrate ethnic identities, thanks to a project led by an Aberystwyth University academic.
Dr Yi Li, a historian of modern Southeast Asia, is working with community educators in Myanmar’s marginalised ethnic

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Blog posts News Newspaper columns

The latest Phil Evans column – July 03

Posted By RobertLloyd58

There are many expressions that people use, that when you pause to think about them, are completely meaningless.
A prime example is a six-word sentence that, if there was a competition to find the most

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News Newspaper columns

Latest On Song column – July 03

Posted By RobertLloyd58

MEMBERS of the Llanelli and District Twinning Association are looking forward to the visit of musicians from Llanelli’s twin town of Agen.
A group of harpists from Agen and Lot de Garonne will be in Llanelli on the July 16, 17 and 18.
One of

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