Hywel Dda University Health Board is working with Ashleigh Surgery in Cardigan to ensure the continued provision of GP services in the area following the resignation of their General Medical Services contract.
The GP Partners have taken the difficult decision to terminate their contract with the Health Board following the inability to attract new GPs over the last few years.
This decision by the Practice was not taken lightly. The best interests of registered the patients remains paramount, alongside the continued sustainability of the future of General Medical Services in Cardigan and surrounding areas.
For patients this means that care will continue to be provided by the same doctors, nurses and reception staff currently within the practice for the next few months, but the Practice and Health Board will now look to work with the community and neighbouring Ppractices to find a longer-term future that secures this important service for the Cardigan area population. Patients registered with Ashleigh Surgery can be assured that services will continue to be delivered as normal for now, and patients are asked to remain registered with the practice while longer-term plans are developed.
The Health Board will be writing shortly to the patients registered at Ashleigh Surgery to inform them of the situation and inviting them to feedback their views on how these services can continue to be delivered. Both the Practice and the Health Board are working closely together to ensure that patients are affected as little as possible by any changes that need to be made in the short-term or longer-term.
The Health Board’s assistance at this time will ensure continued delivery of services and provide reassurance to local people and staff, whilst a solution is sought. The opinion of the local community and patients will be gathered prior to any decision about long term provision of the service, and the Health Board will be working closely with the Community Health Council with that in mind. The Health Board appreciates the continuing support given by the community to the team at Ashleigh Surgery.
A public engagement drop-in event will be held in Cardigan on Tuesday 20th November at The Guildhall, Cardigan at 1.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. The Health Board will keep patients informed about developments, and invitations will be sent to registered patients closer to the time.
Rhian Bond, Assistant Director of Primary Care for Hywel Dda University Health Board said: “The Health Board is committed to maintaining the high standards of care that are currently provided at Ashleigh Surgery and would like to reassure patients that the provision of these important services will continue in this area.
“We have agreed to work together with Ashleigh Surgery and neighbouring practices to find the best way to secure services for the patients. We will now work with the existing team and stakeholders to develop plans for delivery of future services.”
For further information your queries can be directed to the Health Board’s Patient Services Department 0300 0200 159, the Locality Development Manager for South Ceredigion Carys Davison on 07773 384876, or email Carys.Davison@wales.nhs.uk
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