Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK.
This year carer’s week takes place from Monday, June 11 to Sunday, June 17.
The campaign is brought to life by thousands of individuals and organisations who come together to organise activities and events throughout the UK, drawing attention to just how important caring is.
This Carers Week, we’re coming together to build communities that support the health and wellbeing of carers. Around 6.5million people in the UK are carers, looking after a parent, partner, child or friend. A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, illness, mental health problem or who needs extra help as they grow older. Caring can be a hugely rewarding experience but sometimes carers find it challenging to take care of their own well-being whilst caring.
The impact of caring on health and well-being should not be underestimated, and this Carers week we will be looking to share examples of good practice from supporters of which have helped carers to stay Healthy and Connected.
Carmarthenshire county council in conjunction with Carmarthenshire carer’s information service have organised the following events with information stands during the week to help raise awareness of carers, their rights and the support services available to them.
At the information stands, things that we will be discussing are:
- Carer’s Emergency Card
- Carers Outreach Service
- Section 24 – SSWBA (Social services and wellbeing act), Duty to assess the needs of a carer for support
- Exceptional Circumstance Direct Payment – formally Carers Grant
- Lyons Emergency Box
Monday, June 11 to Thursday 14, 9am-5pm
Friday, June 15, 9am-4.30pm
Venue: Customer Service Centre, Carmarthenshire County Council, Yr Hwb, 36 Stepney Street, Llanelli
Event: Information stand relating to carers rights and accessing support and advice
Monday, June 11
Time: 10am-3pm
Venue: Prince Philip Hospital (Canteen area), Llanelli
Event: Information stand relating to carers rights and accessing support and advice
Wednesday, June 13
Time: 10am-1pm
Venue: Carers Trust Sir Gar (Crossroads), The Palms, Llanelli
Event: Coffee and Cake morning. Information stand relating to carers rights and accessing support and advice
Wednesday, June 13
Venue: Coleshill Resource Centre, Llanelli
Event: Information stand relating to carers rights and accessing support and advice
Thursday, June 14
Time: 10am-3pm
Venue: St Elli Shopping Centre, Llanelli
Event: Information stand relating to carers rights and accessing support and advice
Tuesday, June 12
Time: 10am-1pm
Venue: St. Peters Bowling Club, Carmarthen
Event: Coffee and Cake morning. Information stand relating to carers rights and accessing support and advice
Friday, June 15
Time: 10am-3pm
Venue: Glangwili Hospital (Outpatients reception), Carmarthen
Event: Information stand relating to carers rights and accessing support and advice
Further information:
Find out how you can get involved in Carers Week to help carers to stay Healthy and Connected by visiting, call 0300 0200 002 or email
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