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Nominations needed for prestigious Brin Isaac awards

Robert Lloyd PR, Media and Marketing Consultancy News, Press releases Nominations needed for prestigious Brin Isaac awards

News Press releases

Nominations needed for prestigious Brin Isaac awards

Posted By RobertLloyd58

THE search is on to find Llanelli’s Sportsperson of the Year and other potential winners of the prestigious Brin Isaac Memorial Awards.

Track cyclist Emma Finucane was the main prize winner at the 72nd Brin Isaac Memorial Fund (BIMF) awards held at the Diplomat Hotel last December.

This week, the countdown to the 73rd awards started in earnest with the launch of the appeal for nominations for prizes.

Awards secretary Brian Hughes said: “The Brin Isaac Memorial Fund remembers the late Brin Isaac, who gave such splendid service to young men through the YMCA, boxing, Scouting and many other activities and endeavours to further his work.

“Each year, nominations are invited for the best sporting performances (male and female) in the 14-19 years group and 19 and upward. These are judged by an independent panel of judges.”

The roll call of winners at the Brin Isaac Awards last year was:

■ Sportsperson of the Year – Emma Finucane, World Track Cycling.

■ Walter Hughes Cup (Sportsperson runner-up) – Amy Cole, Track Cycling.

■ Star Cup (Junior Cup) – Madison Davies, Gymnastics (Trampolining).

■ Stradey Centenary Cup (Junior Runner-up) – Rhisian Thomas – Gymnastics (Tumbling).

■ Kelly Evans Shield (Services to sport) – Vaughan Thomas – Llanelli Cricket.

■ W Jack Hughes Cup (Coach of the Year) – Leigh Randall – Kickboxing.

Nominations secretary Dyfrig Roberts said: “The Brin Isaac Awards in Llanelli are always regarded as one of the most prestigious events in the sporting calendar in West Wales.”

Previous sports personality winners have included RH Williams, Terry Davies, Derek Quinnell, Phil Bennett, Terry Griffiths, Jonathan Davies, David Kingdon, Dai Greene, Stephen Jones, Simon Jones, Robert Croft and Rupert Moon.

Since the first dinner was held in 1951, the charity has supported 20 independent charities, including the Ty Bryngwyn Llanelli Hospice, Save the Children, Marie Curie, the NSPCC and the Wales Air Ambulance.

The present chairman of the Brin Isaac Memorial Fund is former world-ranked squash champion Adrian Davies.

See the website for an online nomination form – https://www.brinisaac.com

You can also nominate by writing to the BIMF nomination secretary, Dyfrig Roberts, at 34 Goring Road, Llanelli, SA15 3HN.

This year’s presentation dinner is at the Diplomat Hotel, Llanelli, on Tuesday, December 3 (6.45pm).


THE Brin Isaac Awards website has this citation to the Brin Isaac Story (1901-1948):

“Brin Isaac had but a short life of 47 years. The number of those fortunate to have been privileged by personal con­tact with him grows smaller as his death occurred after the Second World War. For all that, his name and achievements are in these days more widely known and honoured than during the lifetime he devoted to the unstinted service of youth and sport.

“This in itself is sufficient reward for those who in 1950 inaugurated the Brin Isaac Memorial Fund to perpetuate the memory and spirit of one who in amateur boxing, gymnastics and scouting, and in other ways too numerous to identify, did so much for the generations of Llanelli youth who approached maturity during the difficult inter-war years and the periods that followed.

“Originating at the Llanelli YMCA, the home of his boxing club, a celebrated nursery for cadet, schoolboy and Welsh ABC champions, the Brin Isaac Memorial Fund has over the years fostered virtually all forms of sporting endeavour through the medium of the annual awards to those who distinguished themselves by outstanding performance or, in the true Brin Isaac tradition, in long and selfless service to a chosen pursuit.

“By such means – although the man has long left us – his spirit and example are preserved.”


The Brin Isaac Memorial Fund offers a Sporting Talent Bursary Programme.

The bursary programme is intended to help with the ever-increasing costs associated with training and competing and is for all athletes up to 20 years of age.

Athletes are entitled to apply for up to £250 bursary, with the closing date December 31 each year.

Applications will be reviewed during the month of January each year and successful applicants contacted before St.David’s Day.

Youngsters can apply by completing the bursary application form on the website at – https://www.brinisaac.com

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Written by RobertLloyd58

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