07777683637 rlloydpr@btinternet.com

Press releases

Funding boost to develop the next generation of academics in the arts and humanities

Posted By Robert Lloyd

The South, West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership is to receive funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) over eight years to deliver postgraduate supervision, training and skills development from 2019.

The Consortium – a collaboration between Aberystwyth University and eight other universities Bath Spa, Bristol, Cardiff, Cranfield, Exeter, Reading, Southampton and UWE – is one of 10 Doctoral Training Partnership to have been awarded a total of £170 million funding from the AHRC.

The South, West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership was originally established in 2014 and has adapted and expanded to form a strategic regional partnership which will offer greater opportunities for staff and students alike.

In addition to new members, Cranfield University and the University of the West of England, the consortium has formalised membership with an Independent Research Organisation, the Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum of Wales.

The Consortium will offer postgraduate studentships, Collaborative Doctoral Awards, and training and development opportunities across the full range of the AHRC’s disciplines, with a strong emphasis on collaboration between the members of the consortium and 23 cultural, arts, heritage and industry partners including Aardman Animations, Arts Council South West, Cornwall Museum Partnerships and Historic England.

The South, West and Wales consortium is committed to developing creative approaches across disciplinary and interdisciplinary research that will facilitate the building of a new communities of scholars, researchers and professionals who are flexible and able to respond to both fast-moving research and industry environments.

The funding will allow for the development of a diverse pool of highly trained, skilled and professional researchers who will contribute to the UK’s cultural, economic and social wellbeing.

Professor Chris Thomas, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation at Aberystwyth University, said: “As a research-led institution, Aberystwyth University is committed to supporting and developing early career researchers to undertake world-leading research with impact. This latest funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council builds on interdisciplinary collaboration across a range of universities as well as external partners and professional practitioners, with the aim of delivering excellence in all aspects of research supervision and training. This high quality training programme is a further enhancement to Aberystwyth’s thriving postgraduate community and we look forward to working with our partners as we develop the research talent of the future.”

Professor Edward Harcourt, the AHRC’s Director of Research, Strategy and Innovation, said: “The AHRC is delighted to announce its renewed commitment to the Doctoral Training Partnerships model. Our support for the next generation of arts and humanities researchers is critical to securing the future of the UK arts and humanities sector, which accounts for nearly a third of all UK academic staff, is renowned the world over for its outstanding quality, and which plays a vital part in our higher education ecosystem as a whole.

“We were extremely pleased with the response to our call, which saw high-quality applications from across the UK from a variety of diverse and innovative consortia, each with a clear strategy and vision for the future support of their doctoral students.”

Postgraduate Study at Aberystwyth University

Arts and Humanities Research Council

AHRC commits to postgraduate research through new Doctoral Training Partnerships

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Hywel Dda Final Logo

Press releases

Hywel Dda Health Board works with GPs to secure service

Posted By Robert Lloyd

Hywel Dda University Health Board is working with Teifi Surgery in Llandysul to ensure the continued provision of GP services in the area following the resignation of their General Medical Services contract.

The Partners’ decision to resign their contract with the Health Board follows the decision by one of the Partners to leave the practice in January 2019.

This decision by the Practice was not taken lightly and follows a period of close working with the Health Board to try to support the practice.

The best interest of the patients remains paramount, alongside the continued sustainability of the future of General Medical Services in Llandysul and surrounding areas.

For patients this means that care will continue to be provided by the same doctors, nurses and reception staff currently within the practice for the next few months, but the Practice and Health Board will now look to work with the community and neighbouring practices to find a longer-term future that secures this important service for the Llandysul area population.

Patients registered with Teifi Surgery can be assured that services will continue to be delivered as normal for now, and patients are asked to remain registered with the practice while longer-term plans are developed.

The Health Board will be writing to the patients registered at Teifi Surgery to inform them of the situation and inviting them to feedback their views on how these services can continue to be delivered. Both the Practice and the Health Board are working closely together to ensure that patients are affected as little as possible by any changes that need to be made in the short-term or longer-term.

The Health Board’s assistance at this time will ensure continued delivery of services and reassurance to local people and staff, whilst a solution is sought. The opinion of the local community and patients will be gathered prior to any decision about long term provision of the service, and the Health Board will be working closely with the Community Health Council. The Health Board appreciates the continuing support given by the community to the team at Teifi Surgery.

A public engagement drop-in event will be held on Thursday 4th October 2018 from 2.00 pm to 6.30pm in Tysul Hall, Llandysul.

Rhian Bond, Assistant Director of Primary Care for Hywel Dda University Health Board said: “The Health Board is committed to maintaining the high standards of care that are currently provided at Teifi Surgery and would like to reassure patients that the provision of these important services will continue in this area.

“We have agreed to work together with Teifi Surgery and neighbouring practices to find the best way to secure services for the patients. We will now work with the existing team and stakeholders to develop plans for delivery of future services.”

For further information your queries can be directed to the Health Board’s Patient Services Department 0300 0200 159, the Locality Development Manager for South Ceredigion Carys Davison on 07773 384876, or email Carys.Davison@wales.nhs.uk

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Press releases

The countdown has started to the popular Carmarthen Town Sports Awards

Posted By Robert Lloyd

The countdown has started to the popular Carmarthen Town Sports Awards for 2018.
The awards are organised annually by Carmarthen Town Council, with a special presentation evening taking place at the Carmarthen Quins Rugby Club.
The search is now on for nominations for the 2018 awards.
J H Morse has agreed to sponsor again this year, with other major sponsors still coming on board.
The guest speakers at the 2017 awards were British Lions, Wales and Scarlets hooker Ken Owens and Wales and Scarlets flanker James Davies.
The awards were presented by Carmarthen Town Mayor Cllr Alun Lenny and members of the Mayoral party.
The main 11 award categories for 2018 are:
  • Senior Male
  • Senior Female
  • U13s Junior Male
  • U13s Junior Female
  • U16s Intermediate Male
  • U16s Intermediate Female
  • U19s Youth Male
  • U19s Youth Female
  • Junior Team
  • Senior Team
  • Coach/Organiser/Volunteer
There are two awards in each category, first and second, making a total of 22 potential winners.
These are Carmarthen Town awards i.e. recipients should be from Carmarthen, play for a team in Carmarthen etc.
If anyone would like a nomination form (individuals can nominate not just via a club), then please e-mail Eleri James at Carmarthen Town Council’s offices at St Peter’s Civic Hall in Carmarthen – eleri@carmarthentowncouncil.gov.uk
Here is the list of winners from last year (photos and information courtesy of Carmarthen Town Council).
Where the recipients were unable to collect the awards themselves, representatives of clubs/family/schools etc collected on their behalf –

Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Benyw Iau o dan 13 ~ U13s Junior Female
1st Lydia Pearson Judo 1af
2nd Daisy Thompson Athletau/Athletics 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Benyw Iau o dan 13 ~ U13s Junior Female
1st Lydia Pearson Judo 1af
2nd Daisy Thompson Athletau/Athletics 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Gwryw Iau o dan 13 ~ U13s Junior Male
1st Gruffudd Owen Criced/Cricket 1af
2nd Liam Edwards Athletau/Athletics 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Gwryw Iau o dan 13 ~ U13s Junior Male
1st Gruffudd Owen Criced/Cricket 1af
2nd Liam Edwards Athletau/Athletics 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Benyw Canolradd o Dan 16 ~ U16s Intermediate Female 1st Emily Warwick Cicfocsio/Kickboxing 1af
2nd Ella Barnwell Beicio/Cycling 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Benyw Canolradd o Dan 16 ~ U16s Intermediate Female 1st Emily Warwick Cicfocsio/Kickboxing 1af
2nd Ella Barnwell Beicio/Cycling 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Gwryw Canolradd o Dan 16 ~ U16s Intermediate Male 1st Kian Davies Pŵl 8 Pêl/8 Ball Pool 1af
2nd Aled Llewellyn-Jones Hwylio/Sailing 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Gwryw Canolradd o Dan 16 ~ U16s Intermediate Male 1st Kian Davies Pŵl 8 Pêl/8 Ball Pool 1af
2nd Aled Llewellyn-Jones Hwylio/Sailing 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Benyw Ieuenctid o Dan 19 ~ U19s Youth Female
1st Bethan Lewis Rygbi/Rugby 1af
2nd Olivia Haines Athletau/Athletics 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Benyw Ieuenctid o Dan 19 ~ U19s Youth Female
1st Bethan Lewis Rygbi/Rugby 1af
2nd Olivia Haines Athletau/Athletics 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Gwryw Ieuenctid o Dan 19 ~ U19s Youth Male
1st William Edwards Athletau/Athletics 1af
2nd Thomas Jones Athletau/Athletics 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Gwryw Ieuenctid o Dan 19 ~ U19s Youth Male
1st William Edwards Athletau/Athletics 1af
2nd Thomas Jones Athletau/Athletics 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Benyw Hŷn ~ Senior Female
1st Jenny Jones Sboncen/Squash 1af


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Gwryw Hŷn ~ Senior Male
1st Ken Owens Rygbi/Rugby 1af
2nd Dewi Griffiths Athletau/Athletics 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Gwryw Hŷn ~ Senior Male
1st Ken Owens Rygbi/Rugby 1af
2nd Dewi Griffiths Athletau/Athletics 2ail


Gwobr Arthur Jones – Hyfforddwr y Flwyddyn The Arthur Jones Coach of the Year Award 1st Jessica Shore Chwyrlïad/Twirling 1af 2nd Louise Beard Judo 2ail


Gwobr Arthur Jones – Hyfforddwr y Flwyddyn The Arthur Jones Coach of the Year Award 1st Jessica Shore Chwyrlïad/Twirling 1af 2nd Louise Beard Judo 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Trefnydd/Gwirfoddolwr ~ Organiser/Volunteer 1st Percy Jones Rygbi/Rugby 1af
2nd Sue Holland Canŵio/Canoeing 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Trefnydd/Gwirfoddolwr ~ Organiser/Volunteer 1st Percy Jones Rygbi/Rugby 1af
2nd Sue Holland Canŵio/Canoeing 2ail


Tîm Iau ~ Junior Team
1st Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Myrddin’s 1st Rugby Team 1af 2nd Carmarthen Harriers Junior Cross Country Teams 2ail


Tîm Iau ~ Junior Team
1st Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Myrddin’s 1st Rugby Team 1af 2nd Carmarthen Harriers Junior Cross Country Teams 2ail


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Tîm Hŷn ~ Senior Team
1st Carmarthen Wanderers 1st X1 Cricket Team 1af


Enillwyr Gwobrau Chwaraeon Tref Caerfyrddin 2017 2017 Carmarthen Town Sports Awards Winners Gwobr Arbennig ~ Special Award
Dr Peter Herbert

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Press releases

Carmarthenshire consultants play key role in cleaning firm merger

Posted By Robert Lloyd

Carmarthenshire-based EB Associates have played a key role in the merger of a well-known Pembrokeshire cleaning firm with one of the leading private facilities management companies in the UK.

Contract cleaning Services company Atlas FM, who employ more than 8,000, have made a strategic merger with Apple Blossom Cleaning Services Ltd, who employ more than 100 and are based in Narberth, Pembrokeshire.

Atlas has a 30-year track record as a leading private facilities management company.

EB Associates director Edward Ball said his consultancy business was delighted to handle the merger.

He added: “This merger represents a growth opportunity for both businesses and increases the presence of larger organisations within Wales, giving greater opportunity to employees and suppliers alike.

“Both companies are highly respected in the industry. This merger gives large company backing, while continuing with a local presence servicing Apple Blossom’s many clients, as has been done over several years past.”

Atlas FM director Jamie Davies said: ‘This merger is part of a strategic plan to grow our business and improve our presence within Wales.”

Linda Wilshaw, director of Apple Blossom, said: “This is perfect for us, becoming part of a much larger organisation without disturbing relationships with existing clients.”

About EB Associates:

EB Associates director Edward Ball developed a wealth of international experience as an Operations Manager with internationally recognised companies such as Shell UK and Mobil Oil. After 10 years in this role, he returned to South Wales and started working in senior roles for local companies varying in size and market sector with turnovers ranging from 1-12 million GBP. Over the next 10 years he began to understand the problems faced by such companies and was able to help develop these businesses, resulting in much-improved bottom lines and enhanced shareholder value.

Following this period Edward took on the running of companies as a shareholder and Managing Director. At this stage it became clear that being an employee and gaining experience generally in business was no substitute for actually being there and doing it. The day-to-day issues in a business can be overwhelming and have to be tackled with a degree of finesse. Running a company with an individual stake can create immense personal and financial pressures, which then results in a 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week involvement. Along with his success in these businesses he also experienced market forces brought about by the strength of the pound and the dangers of becoming exposed to certain markets and clients. These experiences have given Edward a vital insight into the key factors of success and failure that can be experienced within business.

It became very apparent that the day-to-day duties of small-to-medium sized businesses often restrict the ability to focus on the strategic issues and decision-making processes that are required to achieve success. In 1985 Edward formed EB Associates. However, it was not until the above experiences were gained that the real benefit of the consultancy could be brought to SMEs.

EB Associates now provides a comprehensive range of services, within a wide range of businesses, backed by real experience and professionally qualified personnel. This, coupled with an extensive network of contacts and external partners, has seen the business grow – to the added benefit of clients both large and small.

Most small-to-medium sized companies cannot afford to employ individuals who have the skills and knowledge that EB Associates will provide. If businesses did employ such individuals it is unlikely to be cost-effective, as their abilities would not be required on a full-time basis.

Contact details –

EB Associates, PO Box 14, Kidwelly, SA17 4YH

01554 890 300


Email eba@ebassociates.co.uk

About Apple Blossom Cleaning:

During the last 20 years Apple Blossom Cleaning has built its reputation on first class service and highly trained, uniformed staff.

The firm is passionate about cleaning and believe it should be delivered to a high standard – discreetly and efficiently, without hassle.

There’s now more than 100 staff in the Apple Blossom team – providing the scale and flexibility to handle any type of cleaning work.

Clients include The National Trust, Castell Howell, Morganstone, Burns Pet Nutrition, Hafan Cymru, Redkite Solicitors and Calon Wen.

Apple Blossom is proud to sponsor and support a number of local charities and teams, including Race for Life, Paul Sartori, The Royal Welsh Regiment and SCW Motor Sports, as well as being sponsors of the Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society three-day show, and Llandeilo, Narberth and Crymych rugby clubs.

The firm has won West Wales  awards for Family Business, Business Services and Best Supplier. It holds ISO certificates in quality management and environmental management.

Contact details –

Apple Blossom Cleaning Services Ltd, Unit 12, Rushacre Enterprise Park, Redstone Road, Narberth, SA67 7ET


Narberth: 01834 86 26 26

Carmarthen: 01267 49 31 07

Swansea: 01792 64 59 08

Email: hello@appleblossomcleaning.co.uk



Atlas and Apple Blossom logos.

Edward Ball.

EB Associates logo

Apple Blossom employee factory floor cleaning.

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Robert Lloyd


Latest ‘on Song’ column from Carmarthen Journal and Llanelli Star

Posted By Robert Lloyd

They say ‘West is Best’ and Côr Meibion Pontarddulais Male Voice Choir have certainly proved that with a record-breaking win at the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales at Cardiff.

The ‘Bont’ choir took the Blue Riband prize for large male voice choirs for the 17thtime.

If you want to hear what all the fuss is about, then the choir has three upcoming concerts –

  • Friday 21 September, St. Agnes Church, Port Talbot.
  • Saturday 6 October, Crwys Chapel, Three Crosses.
  • Saturday 27 October, Coventry Cathedral.

It is worth taking the achievement as the trigger to reflect on the choir’s proud history and their achievements.

Their Royal National Eisteddfod wins came in the following years –

1963 Llandudno, 1965 Newtown, 1968 Barry, 1970 Ammanford, 1972 Haverfordwest, 1974 Carmarthen, 1976 Cardigan, 1978 Cardiff, 1981 Machynlleth, 1982 Swansea, 1994 Neath, 2003 Welshpool, 2004 Newport  (also awarded Côr yr Wŷl (Choir of the Festival)), 2006 Swansea (also awarded Côr yr Wŷl), 2008 Cardiff and 2014 Llanelli.

The choir’s early achievements can be firmly attributed to the legendary musical director Noel Davies, who held the baton at the choir from 1960 to 2002.

Clive Phillips, who was the choir’s accompanist, became a worthy successor as musical director when Noel Davies retired.

He continued with the principles established by his predecessor in emphasising a new diversity in the repertoire, ranging from the light in nature to contemporary classical music.

Other key values for the choir are the importance of singing in the Welsh language (as well as other languages) and an unequivocal commitment to the principle of competition.

The choir continues to welcome new members of all ages, and if you are interested in joining, the first step would be to attend one of the twice weekly rehearsals at the Primary School, James Street, Pontarddulais, on Mondays and Wednesdays between 7 and 9pm (except August or bank holidays).

Musical director Clive Phillips is worthy of special mention for his leadership of the choir.

A native of Murton, Gower, Clive John Phillips was born in 1959 and educated at Bishopston Primary and Gowerton Comprehensive schools.

He received music tuition from Professor John Edmunds LRAM, Brenda Llewellyn LRAM ARCM (Piano) and John Morgan Davies LWCMD FTCL LRAM ARCM (Organ).

Clive was first appointed as an accompanist to a local choir at the age of 12 and in 1977 became the accompanist and deputy conductor to Côr Meibion Llanelli Male Voice Choir, a position he held until he became the Musical Director of Aberavon Male Choir in February, 1983.

Following a short period as Associate Musical Director of the Dunvant choir, Clive was appointed the Musical Director of Burry Port Male Voice Choir, where he remained until he was invited by Noel Davies MBE JP, to become the accompanist of Pontarddulais Male Choir, a position he held from 1991 to 2002, when he was appointed Musical Director.

He was, for a number of years the Musical Director of the Black Mountain Chorus of Wales and a founder Musical Director of Llanelli Musical Players.

Clive has conducted concerts at many venues throughout the United Kingdom including The Royal Albert Hall, London, Chelmsford Town Hall, Oxford Town Hall, Lincoln Cathedral and Winchester Cathedral.

He has also conducted massed male choirs at the Richard Burton Memorial Concert, and the opening concert at the 2006 Swansea National Eisteddfod.

He also had the honour of conducting in concert a number of the famous military bands, including The Royal Marines, The Scots Guards, The Coldstream Guards and The Welsh Guards.

As an organist he has made more than 30 recordings with various choirs and has played at many venues including The Royal Albert Hall, The Royal Festival Hall, Central Hall Westminster, Coventry Cathedral, Birmingham Town Hall, St David’s Hall Cardiff and the Brangwyn Hall Swansea.

He has given organ recitals at various churches in the Swansea and Llanelli areas.

Clive was organist at the 1980 National Gymanfa Ganu of North America when it was held in Vancouver.

His pursuits as a solo accompanist have seen him accompanying many world famous singers, including Delme Bryn Jones, Bryn Terfel, Rebecca Evans and more recently Sir Willard White, Jason Howard, Alfie Boe and Elin Manahan Thomas.

He also accompanied the distinguished astronomer Patrick Moore, who was performing his own xylophone music at a concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

Clive is currently the organist at Tabernacle Chapel, Mumbles.

Clive is deputy muscial director to Haydn James at the WRU, leading the singing before numerous rugby matches at the Principality national stadium, with the ‘Bont’ and with many other male and mixed voice choirs.

In 2017, Clive received a well-deserved award from the Gowertonian Society for outstanding service to the community, namely for all his work with music and choirs in the area.

In other news, Côr Meibion Dinefwr Male Voice Choir will be holding their annual concert at Capel Newydd, Llandeilo, on Saturday, October 27 (7.30pm).

The special guests will be Côr Meibion Llandybie Male Voice Choir.

The conductor will be John Williams, the accompanist will be Sara Morgan and the chairman for the evening will be Eifion Davies.

Other special guests include tenor Osian Wyn Bowen, soloist Martha Harries and accompanist Gareth Wyn Thomas.

Admission is £8 and £3 for children and students.

Proceeds will go towards the choir’s funds.

Carmarthen baritone Mark Llewelyn Evans will be hosting ‘An Afternoon of Music at The Orangery’ at Margam Park on Sunday, September 2.

The event will feature the young up-and-coming members of the Llanelli-based Loud Applause Rising Stars group.

Youngsters performing at the Orangery will include Callum Howells, Lauren Fisher, Neve Summers, Jack Owens, Sydney Richards, Thomas Bytheway, Daisy Owens and Osian Clarke.

The special guests will be violin virtuoso Charlie Lovell-Jones and the Kenfig Hill youth choir Crescendo.

The concert starts at 3pm.

In September, at Ffwrnes Theatre, the famous Llanelli-based Academy Amateur Company will celebrate 35 years of performing great musicals.

They will be staging ‘Thank you for the Memories’ at Ffwrnes on Saturday, September 8.

This special celebratory concert will feature songs from their favourite productions over the years, promising a musical journey down memory lane that will leave you singing all the way home.

There will be songs from shows such as Singin’ In The Rain, Guys And Dolls, Anything Goes, The Full Monty and Jesus Christ Superstar.

Looking further ahead, to October, one of Carmarthenshire’s finest will be returning ‘home’ for two special concerts.

John Owen-Jones is a Burry Port boy who has gone on to be an award-winning West End and Broadway star.

He will play Ffwrnes Theatre, Llanelli, on Wednesday, October 3 and the Lyric Theatre, Carmarthen, on Sunday, October 7.

In October, Carmarthen will also see another big name singer roll into town.

Russell Watson will be performing his new show, Canzoni d’Amore, at the Lyric on October 19.

Having sold more than seven million albums worldwide, Russell Watson is firmly established as the UK’s best-selling classical crossover artist of all time.

To date, his illustrious career has included performances for Her Majesty The Queen, The Pope and two US Presidents.


Robert Lloyd works as a media consultant – www.rlloydpr.co.uk

If you have any news about the choral scene in Llanelli, the please contact him on 07777 683637 or email rlloydpr@btinternet.com

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Phil Evans

Blog posts

The latest Phil Evans column

Posted By Robert Lloyd

Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy. Website – www.philevans.co.uk


The old saying ‘There Are Lies. Damned Lies. And Statistics’ is pretty much accepted as fact by most people.

There are exceptions, like politicians confronted by TV or radio interviewers with shocking figures that reveal their department’s failings on getting to grips with whatever problems it was set up to sort out.

And I don’t suppose the old saying goes down particularly well with the Office of National Statistics in Newport, Gwent.

Having said all that, I want to present you with some statistics.


Don’t go!

I’ll try and drop a funny line in, I promise.

There’s a report out which reveals that two out of five adults check their mobile phones when they wake up.

The average Briton (Okay, that doesn’t include you because the fact you read my articles means you’re well above average) checks his/her mobile phone every 12 minutes . . . and before going to bed some 60% of over-35s check their mobiles.

Personally, before I go to bed, I brush my teeth and put the cat out.

Although there was one weird night when I brushed the cat and took my teeth out.

However, as the man says in those TV info-mercials for handy home products that we never knew we couldn’t live without . . .

“Wait! That’s not all!”

We’ve all seen families in restaurants who don’t speak to each other, but prefer to look at their phones while they wait for the food and drink to arrive.

Unfortunately, that behaviour has almost become acceptable.

But, unless you’re a doctor on call, what should be punishable by a 20-year stretch in Wormwood Scrubs is the unforgivable crime of making or taking a phone call or checking for messages while everyone is still eating.

While 90% of over-55s would agree with me, only 46% of 18-34s would.

In a generation or two, the words ‘Table Manners’ will be consigned to the dustbin of history . . . along with “Penny Farthing”, “Bowler Hat” and “Severn Bridge Tolls!”


So, as my regular readers will know, I’m always up for a challenge – and last week was no different!

After a few months of gentle persuasion, I finally gave in and accompanied my partner to her weekly yoga class.

Having appeared on the landing of our home in my leg warmers, sweat band and Lycra shouting “Ta-dah”, I was immediately sent to change into something more suitable.

Now, then, I was quite sceptical, but thought I must try this at least once before I can say it’s not for me.

I have to say I was more than pleasantly surprised.

The hour flew by.

I attempted to get into some very challenging positions but thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was so relaxed by the end of the class that I almost fell asleep at the relaxation part at the end!

Yogi Dai, from Yoga FlowWales, was a superb and very patient teacher and I can safely say that, if you want to unwind and relax, yoga is the way forward.

I’m now wondering how I can incorporate stand-up comedy and yoga in one, which I’m sure you’ll agree would make for a very interesting night out.

Namaste for this week, my friends.


You can follow Phil Evans on Twitter @philevanswales and www.philevans.co.uk

Please again include www.philevans.co.uk

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