The high quality of support and guidance received by sixth form students across Carmarthenshire’s schools continues to impact positively on the standards achieved at both AS and A Level.
The number of entries for AS and A Level examinations continues to increase, bucking the national trend and preparing students well for their future learning and career pathways.
The commitment and dedication shown by our students and their schools has resulted in nearly 78% of students achieving A*-C grades, reflecting an increase of 1.8% in comparison to results in 2017 and remaining comfortably above the Welsh national average of 73.8%.
Almost a quarter of the grades awarded, 24.8%, are A*- A, ensuring that our pupils are well placed when competing nationally for university placements, apprenticeships and career opportunities.
The improved outcomes are also reflected in the AS Level grades with 91.8% of entries being awarded an A-E grade. The increasingly effective learning opportunities on offer to our AS students have ensured a 4.6% increase in the A-E pass rate over the last three years.
The results have been warmly welcomed by Carmarthenshire County Council which has congratulated both students and schools, acknowledging the many inspiring opportunities that these encouraging grades will enable our young people to access.
Cllr Glynog Davies, Executive Board Member for Education, said: “Education in Wales is currently undergoing an exciting period of change and reform, reflecting the changing needs of our communities. The AS and A Level grades achieved by our pupils this year reflect, yet again, the successful partnership working between students, families, schools and the county council, equipping students with an aspirational range of learning opportunities. Students are very well prepared by our schools for the demands of the AS and A level examinations and they achieve highly as a result.”
“On behalf of Carmarthenshire County Council I wholeheartedly congratulate all of our students on the progress that they have made and on the grades that they have achieved. We wish you every success for the future.”
Director of Education and Children’s services, Gareth Morgans, added: “Our schools continue to prepare our students exceptionally well for the reformed AS and A Level qualifications that they have been working so hard towards over the last 2 years. The results achieved across Carmarthenshire this year once again reflect the dedication of our students, developing considerable resilience and a positive work ethic that will equip them well in their future studies and careers. I would like to sincerely congratulate them on all that they have achieved.”
“It is also pleasing to note the ongoing trend of 100% pass rates for both the Welsh first and second language courses, as well as in history, government and politics, English Language and literature and physical education, for example.
“The number of students achieving A*-A grades increased favourably this year, by 2.8%, reflecting the high expectations that we, and our schools, have of our young people.
“Warmest congratulations to all who have contributed so positively towards today’s success. Our students have many exciting decisions to make as they embrace their future journeys.”
This information, as in previous years, is based on provisional data provided by the WJEC.
More results are due from other examination boards and from further analysis of the results and these may affect the final position.
A detailed analysis will be available in the Autumn term.
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