Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy. This column appears in the South Wales Evening Post, Carmarthen Journal and Llanelli Star. Website –
I recently related the tale of a friend who almost lost money to a ‘landscape gardener’ whose only written ‘qualifications’ to trade as one were the words ‘Landscape Gardener’ on the side of his van.
Not having parted with any cash, my friend returned to his bank with it in the same envelope the bank teller had put it a few days previously.
As he entered the bank, he noticed the only teller on duty behind the counter stood up and left her post, presumably to avoid the tiresome business of having to serve a customer.
There were two other female staff members standing around, but before he could speak to them, he was approached by a young man wearing a scruffy fleece jacket and a ring through his nose.
For an instant my friend thought he was another customer – until the man asked “Can I help you?”
“Yes” my friend said. “I took £1500 in notes out last week and want to pay them back in over the counter”.
However, the assistant said as counter staff weren’t available he’d have to use the paying-in machine, offering to do the paying-in for him.
It was only after the young man started feeding 10 and 20 pound notes into the machine that he bothered to explain the machine only took 50 notes at a time!
Not surprisingly, a queue built up behind my friend, while the two female staff members remained standing around, not offering to go behind the counter to serve customers.
During the 10 minutes or so it took for all the notes to be slipped into the machine, my friend apologised to the people queueing behind him and asked the assistant why there nobody was serving at the counter.
His off-hand reply was, “There’s very little demand for it. Most people bank online!”
My friend wanted to ask him what new career he intended to follow when the bank eventually closed – as it surely will, given the attitude of the staff – but thought better of it.
I don’t think I’d have been as polite.
Would you?
Are you feeling it?
Can you believe it? Lately, I’ve been struggling to warm up and it’s been quite a challenge. I mean, I might have to go digging for my thermal underwear, which I thought I could retire after my last winter vacation.
But here’s the funny part: the other day, I was strolling through Wind Street in Swansea and I couldn’t help but notice something hilarious.
Most of the people there were dressed like it was a scorching summer day!
Bare legs, flimsy tops, and not a single fur coat in sight.
Even the women were rocking outfits that were more suitable for a tropical beach than a chilly evening.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate their fashion sense, but practicality seems to have taken a vacation.
And you know what? I’ve come to realise that I’ve reached an age where comfort and practicality reign supreme. Some might call it boring. But, hey, I’d rather be warm and happy than freezing and miserable, right?
Can you relate? I refuse to believe I’m the only one who feels this way. I mean, it must have been freezing last weekend. I even saw my local councillor walking by with his hands in his own pockets!
Talk about leading by example, huh? Ha Ha!
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