FORGET fist bumps or high fives, I’m a collector of handshakes.
Important people from history, celebrities, sporting superstars, you name them and I like to chalk them up in my little Black Book.
And, if I can’t get to the main man, or main woman,

South Wales Evening Post column, May 03, 2024

South Wales Evening Post column, April 26, 2024
IT’S the one problem issue all of us (no matter what our political persuasion) can agree on: our town and city centres are in a bit of a state.
Labelling it as a problem is the easy bit; coming up with the solutions is the

South Wales Evening Post column, April 19, 2024
GIVEN an audience of at least one man and a dog, I can raise my game and my ability to bore people to Olympic levels.
All I require is that someone draws breath and allows me sufficient pause to start rambling on the benefits of

South Wales Evening Post column, April 12, 2024
THE Welsh word ‘Cawr’ (meaning giant) was invented for people like David Gravell, a businessman who stood like a colossus over the motor industry in Wales.
His passing this month will be felt by all those who shared his passion for the Welsh language and

South Wales Evening Post column, April 05, 2024
“TRY and steer clear of religion and politics,” was the advice of my editor when he recklessly gifted me this weekly column.
For the most part, I have tried to heed his wise words, but the influence of Easter can be blamed for straying into

South Wales Evening Post column, March 29, 2024
IT was a wise old chap who once said, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.”
But most of us who live in this lovely corner of Wales will also know that you can add two other certainties to Benjamin Franklin’s quote – rain and