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The latest Phil Evans column – May 29

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The latest Phil Evans column – May 29

Posted By RobertLloyd58


It’s ironic, given the subject of this article, that as I sat at my computer, trying to unjumble my thoughts, I was distracted by something I heard on the radio.

A DJ, referring to a song that was in the chart several decades ago, attempted to say ‘ . . . and she sang it so effortlessly’ – but stumbled over the word ‘effortlessly’, making so many mangled efforts at pronouncing effortlessly correctly that I laughed out loud.

One definition of ‘distracted’ is ‘unable to concentrate or give one’s attention to something’.

Being distracted while in the middle of doing other things has, up until now, not a trait to be encouraged.

And yet . . .

Have you noticed how so many TV series on the streaming services are dragged out way beyond their necessary length, to perhaps eight or even 10 episodes, but could have been satisfactorily wrapped up in less?

Well, I’m about to tell you why they do this.

An article about streaming services in a heavyweight newspaper confirmed that the likes of Netflix, Amazon Prime etc. deliberately make their dramas and documentary series for people who only half-watch them . . . now get this . . . while doing other things!

Mainly scrolling through their phones, texting or WhatsApping!

To ensure these easily distracted viewers don’t miss out on key moments in their shows, storylines that could have easily been condensed into four episodes are deliberately diluted over six or more!

So, basically, they’re making TV for people who aren’t that interested in TV but happily pay a monthly subscription for the privilege!

You may say this is ‘dumbing down’ of culture. I could not possibly agree.

As confirmation of this bizarre trend, a writer friend was asked to provide a treatment/synopsis for a potential TV series based on a stage musical he’d written, aimed at one of the streaming services.

As a jobbing writer he was delighted – until he was told to write outlines for 10 sixty-minute episodes!

So, if it happens, he’d have to write 10 hours of television, based on a two-hour musical.

He’s currently wondering how to fill the remaining eight hours!


A Journey Down Memory Lane: Unearthing Forgotten Treasures in the Garden Shed

As we grow older, there comes a time when we feel the urge to declutter and organise our surroundings.

This weekend, I decided to embark on a noble mission: cleaning out the garden shed.

Little did I know that this seemingly mundane task would turn into a delightful adventure, filled with laughter, nostalgia, and a few surprises.

Armed with determination and a pair of gloves, I opened the creaky door to my garden shed, only to be greeted by a cloud of dust and a blast from the past.

The shed, once a sanctuary for my gardening tools, had transformed into a treasure trove of forgotten memories.

Amidst the cobwebs and rusty tools, I stumbled upon a box labelled Childhood Treasures.

Curiosity piqued, I eagerly lifted the lid, only to be transported back to a time when life was simpler and the world was filled with endless possibilities.

There, nestled among worn-out toys and faded photographs, were relics of my youth.

I couldn’t help but chuckle as I unearthed a collection of marbles, each with its own story and significance.

These tiny spheres, once the currency of childhood games, held a certain magic that had long been forgotten. As I held them in my hands, memories of carefree afternoons spent with friends came flooding back, reminding me of the childlike joy that still resides within us.

In the corner of the shed, I discovered a dusty old record player, a relic from a bygone era.

With a sense of nostalgia, I carefully wiped off the layers of dust and set the needle on a vinyl record. The crackling sound that filled the shed transported me back to a time when music was cherished and enjoyed without the distractions of modern technology. It was a reminder that sometimes, the simplest pleasures bring the greatest satisfaction.

But the surprises didn’t end there.

As I rummaged through the shelves, I stumbled upon a forgotten journal. Within its weathered pages, my younger self had poured out dreams, aspirations, and the musings of a curious mind. Reading my own words from years gone by, I couldn’t help but marvel at the resilience, innocence, and wisdom that had shaped my journey.

As I continued my cleaning spree, I realised that the shed held more than just physical items.

It held memories, stories, and a reflection of the person I had become over the years.

In the midst of this humorous and uplifting adventure, I found a renewed appreciation for the passage of time and the importance of cherishing the memories that make us who we are.

So, dear reader, take a moment to revisit your own forgotten treasures. Clean out that attic, explore that dusty basement, or open that long-neglected drawer. You never know what hidden gems and cherished memories await you.

In the process, you may just find a renewed sense of joy, gratitude, and a deeper connection to the person you have become.

As for me, the garden shed may still need some tidying up, but my heart feels lighter, my spirit uplifted, and my journey through life enriched by the rediscovery of forgotten treasures.


Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy.

You can follow Phil Evans on Twitter @philevanswales and  www.philevans.co.uk

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Written by RobertLloyd58

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