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Review: Sweeney Todd by Llanelli Youth Theatre at Ffwrnes, Llanelli

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Review: Sweeney Todd by Llanelli Youth Theatre at Ffwrnes, Llanelli

Posted By RobertLloyd58

Sweeney Todd – The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (A Musical Thriller) staged by Llanelli Youth Theatre at Ffwrnes Theatre, Llanelli.

IT’S big, it’s bold and (in so many different ways) it is bloody good.

Llanelli Youth Theatre’s Sweeney Todd is a theatrical ‘event’ for west Wales.

Youth Theatre artistic director Christopher J Rees has never shied away from a challenge.

Stephen Sondheim’s musical masterpiece is as meaty a challenge as you could wish for in the theatre.

Fortunately, the LYT cast and crew have the appetite for the occasion and have approached the task with admirable enthusiasm and energy.

Audience members are offered two views – a lofty seat in the Circle to get a bird’s eye view of the action, or a chance to go ‘immersive’ and join the cast and crew on the enlarged stage deck at Ffwrnes Theatre.

The second choice allows you the chance to stand and stroll through the sets of 19th century London, while the action unfolds before you. Trust me, it’s up close and personal and an experience not to be missed.

If you choose the immersive option, then you’d best pay close attention and adopt your best Phil Bennett side-steps as the action unfolds around you with the speed of a rugby international. And be prepared to be that close to the singing that you can feel the breath on your face.

Simon Nehan, as we might expect for an actor of his stature, is outstanding in the title role. He demands your attention throughout and there’s enough menace in his eyes to leave you having bad dreams.

Pat Stevens, meanwhile, is revelling in the role of Mrs Lovett. It’s obvious she’s having the time of her life in a role she loves.

There’s strong support from other cast members – Benn-Llewellyn Williams (Anthony Hope), Amelia Cliffe (Johanna), Adrian Wyn Rowlands (Judge Turpin), Danny Messaggiero (The Beadle), Sarah Arthur (Beggar Woman), Greg Arthur (Adolfo Pirelli/Jonas Fogg) and Harrison Arthur (Tobias Ragg).

Make a note of the last name. Young Harrison Arthur is following a great family tradition in Llanelli Youth Theatre and he’s a name to watch in the future.

The Storytellers include Louise Cliffe, Megan Coombs, Mollie Dunning, Ashley Eynon-Davies, Cai Francis, Clare Holland, Raya McDowall and Roy Tillman.

The show may have ‘the worst pies in London’, but it’s musical magic which will live long in the memory as another massive success for Llanelli Youth Theatre, a group now celebrating 40 years of artistic excellence and youthful endeavour in west Wales.

Photos: Llanelli Youth Theatre

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Written by RobertLloyd58

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