Work on the second phase of the £5million Carmarthen West transport scheme will be underway again this week.
Carmarthenshire County Council has reached agreement on the acquisition of a final key area of land and says the scheme should be complete by the end of the year.
The Council has also been granted a Compulsory Purchase Order over all the land required, to ensure the road can be completed, given the lack of agreement with one or two landowners.
The road will connect the A40 at Travellers Rest with College Road providing direct access to the trunk road network for key employment sites at St David’s Park, Hywel Dda Health Board’s Hafan Derwen and the University of Wales Trinity St David’s Carmarthen campus.
It will also serve the new S4C headquarters Yr Egin, a major project for the Swansea Bay City Region.
Carmarthen West has been identified as a strategic site within the council’s Local Development Plan and is allocated for mixed use development including 1,100 new homes, a primary school, employment space, a small retail centre, open space and affordable housing. The first phase of the scheme was completed in October, with the opening of a new junction at Job’s Well Road, laying of services and the formation of the route of the road. A new arch bridge has also been constructed over the Tawelan Brook.
Negotiations have since been underway between the council and landowners, to allow the second phase to be completed.
The council has now instructed its contractors, Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd, to proceed with works.
A planning agreement, which will release £2.4million of funding towards the scheme as part of the planning permission for 250 houses, has also been signed off.
The agreement also provides for affordable housing and play areas.
Cllr Hazel Evans, executive board for environment, said: “This is a huge transport scheme that will improve the road network and complement a number of key development schemes in the pipeline for Carmarthen West. We’re delighted to instruct our contractors to proceed with works.”
Leader of the council, Cllr Emlyn Dole, added: “This development brings a significant economic benefit to the county, not only in terms of the employment and training opportunities it creates in the construction phase, but in opening up new links for business in the long-term.”
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