07777683637 rlloydpr@btinternet.com

Press releases

Professor Richard Wyn Jones to deliver O’Donnell Lecture in Aberystwyth

Posted By Robert Lloyd

Professor Richard Wyn Jones will deliver the University of Wales O’Donnell Lecture 2018 at Aberystwyth University on Monday 30 April 2018.

Under the title ‘Cenhedloedd, Cenedlaetholdebau a Gwleidyddiaeth y Deyrnas Gyfunol’(Nations, Nationalisms and Politics of the United Kingdom), the lecture will consider the results of the Scottish independence referendum in 2014, the general Westminster election 2015, the Brexit 2016 referendum and the 2017 general election.

Professor Richard Wyn Jones will analyse current trends and ask why many commentators and scholars failed to predict how people in different political nationalities would vote.

“It’s a privilege to deliver the O’Donnell Lecture and I will be using the opportunity to scrutinise a series of political results that have shaken the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to its foundations in recent years,” said Professor Jones, Director of the Wales Governance Centre and Professor of Welsh Politics at Cardiff University.

A drinks reception will be held at 6pm, followed by the lecture at 6.30pm in the main hall of the Aberystwyth University International Politics Building on Penglais Campus on Monday 30 April 2018.

The lecture will be delivered in Welsh with simultaneous translation available. Admission is free and all are welcome.

Professor Richard Wyn Jones is Director of the Wales Governance Centre and Professor of Welsh Politics at Cardiff University.

He has written extensively on politics in today’s Wales, devolved politics in the United Kingdom and nationalism.

Before moving to Cardiff University, he was Professor of Welsh Politics and founder of the Welsh Institute of Politics at the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University.

Professor Jones is a broad and respected broadcaster, commenting on Welsh politics in Welsh and English to the BBC in Wales and throughout the United Kingdom and has introduced two television series.

He is also a regular columnist for the current affairs magazine, Barn, a member of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales.

University of Wales O’Donnell Lecture

The O’Donnell Lectures were established with a generous legacy by CJ O’Donnell to discuss issues related to Celtic studies and are regularly held in Wales, Edinburgh and Oxford. They have been held annually since 1954.

Born in Donegal in 1849, Charles James O’Donnell became an influential, yet rebellious member of the Indian Civil Service, and was highly critical of the British Government’s policy in India in the early 20th century.

He was the Member of Parliament for Newington Walworth 1906-1910, and had a keen interest in the Celtic influence on British languages ​​and people.

Useful Links

Department of International Politics www.aber.ac.uk/en/interpol

Department of Welsh & Celtic Studies www.aber.ac.uk/cy/cymraeg

Wales Governance Centre http://sites.cardiff.ac.uk/wgc

University of Wales www.wales.ac.uk

About Aberystwyth University www.aber.ac.uk
Established in 1872, Aberystwyth is a leading teaching and research university. It was named University of the Year for Teaching Quality in The Times | Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018. In the 2017 National Student Survey, Aberystwyth was ranked the best in Wales and one of the top five mainstream universities in the UK for overall student satisfaction. The latest Research Excellence Framework in 2014 reported that 95% of the research activity submitted by Aberystwyth was of an internationally recognised standard or higher. The University is a community of around 10,000 students and 2,000 staff committed to delivering teaching that inspires, research with excellence that makes an impact, engaging the world, working in partnership and investing in our future. Registeed charity No 1145141.

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Lights, camera action! Film festival heading to Llanelli!

Posted By Robert Lloyd

There’s just four weeks to go to the start of the prestigious Carmarthen Bay Film Festival in Llanelli.

The festival is now in its seventh year and continues to go from strength to strength.

A total of 699 entries were received for this year’s festival award categories, from film-makers worldwide.

The festival is being staged at Llanelli’s Stradey Park Hotel, from May 14-17.

All of the film-based events are free to the public.

“It is astonishing how the festival has grown in popularity from very small beginnings,” said Festival CEO and organiser Kelvin Guy.

“They say great things grow from little acorns and that is very true of the film festival.”

The Welsh fourth channel S4C will be sponsoring the awards dinner at this years’ festival.

“That just shows how much importance is being attached to the festival,” said Mr Guy.

“In recent years we’ve had added glitz and status as the event is on the approved list for BAFTA Cymru Wales.”

Mr Guy added: “The BAFTA abbreviation is pretty special in the world of film. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts is recognised as a hugely prestigious organisation worldwide. To get this recognition from BAFTA Cymru Wales is a huge honour and is a great achievement when you consider what the festival has achieved since it launched in 2011.

“Being on the list of approved BAFTA Cymru Wales festivals helps give added prestige and stardust to the festival, with entrants now being eligible for BAFTA awards as well as the ones on offer at the festival.”

Mr Guy added: “We hope the festival really catches the imagination of the public in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire and the rest of South Wales. It’s free. The only ‘pay’ part of the event is the awards dinner at the end.

“The festival will follow closely on the heels of the Celtic Media Festival at Ffwrnes Theatre, Llanelli, so it’s clear that Llanelli and Carmarthenshire is making headway in terms of being recognised for film, television and digital media.”

Entries for this year’s festival have come from all corners of the globe, including Syria, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Taiwan, Iran, Iraq, Israel and North and South America.

Mr Guy said: “The global response has been fantastic and I’d like to think that the festival is doing its best to put Llanelli and Carmarthenshire on the world map for film-makers.”

Weblinks to the festival website and Facebook page –



Some scenes from previous film festivals held at the Stradey Park Hotel –     

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Countdown is on to Carmarthen Mayor’s Fun Run races

Posted By Robert Lloyd

There’s three weeks to go to the annual Carmarthen Town Mayor’s Fun Run races.

The races take place in the town centre on Monday May 7, with a 10am start.

Last year’s event saw 768 runners taking part, a record for the fun run races in their current format.

This year will be the 37th running of the Carmarthen Mayor’s Fun Run races.

Last year’s feature 5K race was won by Thomas Jones of Carmarthen Harriers in a time of 16.56.

“We are hoping for a bumper turnout in both the 5K and the fun run races,” said race organiser Noelwyn Daniel.

“In particular, we are keen to inject as much fun as possible into the event – encouraging people to take part in fancy dress and asking local sporting teams, organisations, pubs and clubs to consider entering teams.”

Mr Daniel added: “The beauty of the Carmarthen Mayor’s Fun Run races is that they take place in the heart of the town centre, affording great opportunities for spectators to cheer on the runners.

‘We are also encouraging local businesses to enter teams. Businesses can dress up in the corporate colours and logos and earn themselves some free publicity by taking part.”

The event has raised thousands of pounds for charity over the years, with many local groups and organisations benefiting.

The usual race routes will be in place for 2018.

Once again, for the serious runners, there will be electronic chip timing in operation for the 5k Fun Run.

The Mayor of Carmarthen will be on hand to start all the races and present medals and trophies to all runners taking part.



10:00am – 5km FUN RUN

Males under 40, V + 40, V + 50, V + 60

Females under 35, V + 35, V + 45, V + 55

Best Fancy Dress / 1st Relay Team

1st Corporate Team


11:00 Primary School Girls Years 1& 2

11:10 Presentation of trophies for adult fun run

11:20 Primary School Boys Years 1 & 2

11:35 Primary School Girls Years 3 & 4

11:50 Primary School Boys Years 3 & 4

12:05 Primary School Girls Years 5 & 6

12:20 Primary School Boys Years 5 & 6

12:35 Secondary School Girls & Boys Years 7 & 8

1:10 Presentation for Junior Races. 1st, 2nd & 3rd in all categories.

Schools are being contacted and visited by race organisers to encourage the pupils to sign up for the event.


Volunteers will be needed on the day.

Do you have a few hours to spare on May 7?

Why not come and help out with some marshalling and feel the reward of helping others and contributing towards the success of the event?

If you are able to, then the marshalls are all asked to meet in St Peter’s Hall at 9:00am on race day.

For more information and details of how to enter the fun run races, go to the following website –


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Today’s Great Welsh Marathon and Half Marathon in Llanelli

Posted By Robert Lloyd

A few photos from today’s The Great Welsh Marathon and Half Marathon at Llanelli’s Millennium Costal Park.

Apologies for the quality, but the weather was rough.

Link to photo album –


Link to website –


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Phil Evans

Blog posts

The latest Phil Evans column

Posted By Robert Lloyd

Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy. Website – www.philevans.co.uk
When I was a lad, our house always seemed to be full of grown-ups, our small living room bursting at the seams with friends, neighbours, strange relatives and relative strangers, the rent man, the Man From The Pru, the bailiffs . . . all of them larger than life and full of bonhomie.
Or, in the case of Aunty Glad, full of Dubonnet.
I’d sit under the dining table – which wasn’t easy as I was five feet tall at 12 – and ear wig the fascinating conversations buzzing back and forth around the room.
Politics, religion, nuclear war, what should go on a scone (pronounced ‘skown’) first – the jam or the cream? No subject was deemed too controversial to discuss in front of me.
As people tended to talk over each other, sometimes I didn’t hear clearly what was said.
For example, I misheard a neighbour say, “Neither a borrower or a Brenda Lee”, and thought she was criticising the ’60s pop singer who these days we only hear on the radio in December, singing “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree’.
Then there was Uncle Hugo, who’d explored many previously unexplored regions of the world that were no longer considered unexplored regions because he’d gone and spoiled things by exploring them.
I was convinced I heard him say, “There are flies, damn flies and stick insects”, referring to one of his trips along the perilous upper reaches of the River Tawe.
In fact, he’d said, “There are lies, damn lies and statistics”, and I thought about my late uncle (he’s not dead – just always late) recently when I read that by 2050 the number of people over 60 in the world will top two billion.
Imagine the queue in the Post Office on pension day!
And, with so many old people around me, I’ll have no chance of getting a full house at Bingo.
Dear, oh dear. It’s all very worrying.
I wonder if Aunt Glad drank all the Dubonnet?
This time of year:
Don’t you just love nature and waking up on a sunny Sunday morning to lawnmower and petrol strimmers howling in the background?
Yes, I bet you do.
Having done a late night gig, Sunday morning is the only chance I get to have that extra hour of quality rest to recover from the demands of the weekend – but clearly others among us have their own ideas at this time of year.
Don’t get me wrong, everyone is entitled to a well-kept back yard and a neatly-trimmed bush, but a few of my neighbours have taken this too far and have invested in those high powered, turbo-charged, petrol-driven hedge cutters and their enthusiasm for these new gadgets has meant that the whole street wakes up early to find out where the noise is coming from.
I honestly thought that a Formula One racing team had relocated their practice sessions to Ammanford.
But don’t worry about me, I’ve sorted it and will be ready for next weekend as I’ve invested in a large box of ear plugs.
175 words
You can follow Phil Evans on Twitter @philevanswales and www.philevans.co.uk

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The Big Cwtsh

Blog posts

Latest podcast from Phil Evans and Robert Lloyd

Posted By Robert Lloyd

The latest podcast from Phil Evans and Robert Lloyd has just been released.

The Big Cwtsh: Episode 11 is now on Soundcloud.


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