Carmarthenshire’s beautiful countryside and coast makes the ideal backdrop for a summer barbecue, but the county council is urging people to ensure they are kept under control and disposed of safely to prevent fires taking hold.
With the grass dry following a period intense

Top tips to barbecue safely in Carmarthenshire

Top tips to cope with the summer heatwave
Top tips to cope with the heatwave from Carmarthenshire Council . .
Take care of yourself, and others around you…
Look out for others
Keep an eye out for people who are more vulnerable to the heat – older people in particular can
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New tool promotes Carmarthenshire’s meeting and event venues
A free tool to find out all the available community facilities on offer in the county is being launched by Carmarthenshire County Council.
The council’s Property Division is currently contacting the county’s public sector, town and community councils, third sector and local businesses, in

Major road resurfacing works underway in Carmarthenshire
Carmarthenshire County Council is starting a £4m programme of major road resurfacing on a number of roads around the county.
Carmarthenshire has the second largest road network in Wales and has secured £2.2m in funding from Welsh Government to add to its own budgets

Carmarthenshire’s Welsh in Education Strategic Plan launched
Carmarthenshire’s Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) has been launched today (Monday, June 25)
In accordance with statutory requirements, under the Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013, Local Authorities are required to prepare a Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP).
Carmarthenshire’s WESP was approved

Carmarthenshire conservation project wins national award for planning excellence
A Carmarthenshire conservation project has won a national award for planning excellence at an awards ceremony in London.
The Caeau Mynydd Mawr Special Area of Conservation-Supplementary Planning Guidance and Marsh Fritillary Project won in its category for ‘Excellence in planning for the Natural Environment’