THE King himself would have been shocked at the number of words and newsprint used to pay tribute to a wonderful life.
The reality is that every word, every photo and video clip is deserved praise for one of our greatest fly-halves.
As a

South Wales Evening Post column, February 9, 2024

South Wales Evening Post column, February 2, 2024
IT’S a sad confession, but my schoolteachers will remember that I was never any good at maths.
Arithmetic was always agony, geometry was grim, algebra always left me anxious – and trigonometry was simply terrible!
The sum total of my mathematical misery is something

South Wales Evening Post column, January 26, 2024
JUST checking, but did I ever tell you the story of the B Hag?
No? Well, make yourself comfortable and grab a cup of tea because here goes . . .
What’s a B Hag? Well, don’t go down the road of imagining a

South Wales Evening Post column, January 19, 2024
LET me be totally frank: I’m appalled, irritated, exasperated, wounded, infuriated, slightly tearful and a more than a little angry.
In short, I’m upset.
The lightning bolt news that Louis Rees-Zammit is quitting Rugby Union to try his hand at playing American Football came

South Wales Evening Post column, January 12, 2024
“THE trouble with kids* today, eh?”
How often do we hear people tut-tutting and complaining about the younger generation?
Quite often, I guess, when you see random ‘feral’ gangs hanging around street corners.
But it is worth reminding ourselves that the vapers and alcopop-swiggers

South Wales Evening Post column, January 05, 2024
IT was a former friend who once recycled the old joke of ‘A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.’
With a wit as sharp as that, it was little wonder that he cut himself out of