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Mark Jones

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The latest Clay Shaw Butler Money Matters column

Posted By Robert Lloyd

By Mark Jones, director of Carmarthen-based Clay Shaw Butler chartered accountants and business consultants. The Money Matters column appears in the Pembrokeshire Herald, the Carmarthenshire Herald and the Llanelli Herald newspapers.By Mark Jones, director of Carmarthen-based Clay Shaw Butler chartered accountants and business consultants.

There’s some more important information this week about work you may need to sort out for the taxman at HMRC.

The forms P11D which report details of benefits and some expenses provided to employees and directors for the year ended 5 April 2019, are due for submission to HMRC by 6 July 2019.

The process of gathering the necessary information can take some time, so it is important that this process is not left to the last minute.

Employees pay tax on benefits provided as shown on the P11D, generally via a PAYE coding notice adjustment or through the self assessment system.

Some employers ‘payroll’ benefits and in this case the benefits do not need to be reported on forms P11D but employers should advise employees of the amount of benefits payrolled.

In addition, regardless of whether the benefits are being reported via P11D or payrolled the employer has to pay Class 1A National Insurance Contributions at 13.8% on the provision of most benefits.

The calculation of this liability is detailed on the P11D(b) form.

The deadline for payment of the Class 1A NIC is 19th July 2019 (or 22nd for cleared electronic payment).

HMRC has produced an expenses and benefits toolkit.

The toolkit consists of a checklist which may be used by advisers or employers to check they are completing the forms correctly.

If you would like any help with the completion of the forms or the calculation of the associated Class 1A NIC, then please get in touch with West Wales chartered accountants Clay Shaw Butler.

In other news, Brexit continues to dominate the headlines.

The government has published additional documents containing advice on Brexit for UK small businesses.

According to the government, the information will help business owners to ‘understand how leaving the EU may affect their business’.

The advisory documents cover a range of issues, from changes to UK-EU trade following Brexit, to alterations to how businesses send and receive personal data.

Amidst ongoing Brexit uncertainty, the government is urging businesses to ‘prepare now’. Businesses that import or export goods to the EU are urged to apply for a UK Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number if they have not already done so, in order to continue trading with the EU post-Brexit.

Businesses that provide services to or operate in the EU may need to comply with new rules following Brexit.

A business could be affected if it has a branch or branches in the EU; it operates in a services sector within the EU; it is planning a merger with an EU company; or if its employees have to travel to EU or European Economic Area (EEA) countries for business.

Meanwhile, businesses that hold intellectual property are warned that they may face changes to their copyright, patents, designs and trademarks following Brexit.

The government is urging small firms to use the European Exit Tool.

Weblink to the Exit Tool – https://www.gov.uk/business-uk-leaving-eu

You can find out more about money matters on the Clay Shaw Butler website (under our news for business section) –


We have a strong and experienced team with great local knowledge all geared-up to helping you get the very best from your finances – whether that is as an individual or as a business.

We stay ahead of the game by putting great store by continual professional development for our staff.

With Investors In People status at Clay Shaw Butler, we care passionately about making sure our staff have all the tools they need to serve you, our customers.

Weblink – http://www.clayshawbutler.com

The team at Clay Shaw Butler can be contacted on 01267 228500.

The team at Clay Shaw Butler are on Twitter. Look for @clayshawbutler.

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Easter delights at Jenkins Bakery

Posted By Robert Lloyd

The Jenkins Bakery has released details of its Easter range of products.

“There’s something for everyone to enjoy at Easter time,” said the Jenkins Bakery’s operations director Russell Jenkins.

“Our staff always enjoy producing new ideas for Easter and I’m sure our customers will enjoy sampling the products we have on offer.”

Easter Sunday falls on April 21 this year. The long bank holiday weekend begins on Good Friday, April 19, and Easter Monday on April 22 is the final day in the bank holiday festivities.

Mr Jenkins: “May I also take this opportunity to wish customers, staff and suppliers a very pleasant Easter holiday.”

The Easter range includes –


Moist chocolate Swiss Roll enrobed with chocolate and decorated with mini chocolate eggs in a nest of chocolate buttercream.


Our chocolate krispie confectionery with an edible sugar bunny and drizzled with white chocolate.


Our top quality shortbread biscuit cut out in the shape of an Easter Bunny and expertly hand-decorated.


A rich fruit shortbread biscuit dusted with caster sugar and packed in a gift bag.


Our delicious rich fruit cake marzipan and ribbed rolled sugar paste a fruit cake lover’s delight!


Our top quality moist chocolate cupcake hand-decorated with a whirl of chocolate or lemon fudge icing and topped with Easter sugar sprinkles and Easter sugar plaque.


Our top quality fruit cake topped with golden marzipan and white sugar paste which is decorated with the inscription: Happy Easter/Pasg Hapus.

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Changes to bin collections over Easter

Posted By Robert Lloyd

Carmarthenshire residents are being reminded that there are changes to bin collections over the Easter holidays.

From Friday, April 19 until Friday, April 26, collections will take place one day later than usual. These changes also affect garden waste customers. So for example, if your collection is due on Friday it won’t be picked up until Saturday and so on. Please make sure you put your bins out by 6am on your collection day.

A number of residents have recently been affected by a change in their collection day; please use our online checker if you are unsure of your collection day / bag colour.

Please remember to recycle using your blue bags – it is estimated that 90 million chocolate Easter eggs are bought in the UK every year, that’s a lot of cardboard, foil and plastic packaging!

And if you are making a big Easter lunch for all the family, make sure you either compost your vegetable peelings or they go into your food bin, which is collected weekly, along with any leftovers – including bones from meat or fish dishes. An analysis of black bags carried out by the council showed that as much as a quarter of our black bags still contained food waste. Furthermore, almost three-quarters of it was avoidable and nearly half was still in its packaging!

Glass bottles and jars can be recycled at your nearest glass recycling bank; visit the recycling pages on the website for locations.

The recycling centres in Trostre (Llanelli), Wernddu (Ammanford), Nantycaws (Carmarthen) and Whitland are all open as usual over the Easter period. Check opening times on the website, please remember to take your driving licence, Council Tax bill or utility bill (no older than three months) with you as proof of residency.

Executive Board Member for the Environment Cllr Hazel Evans said: “If you have food waste, and let’s face it most of us do, anything at all even just tea bags should be placed in your food bin rather than your black bag as it is important it does not go to landfill. Please recycle as much as possible this Easter using your food bins and blue bags.”

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The latest podcast from Phil Evans and Robert Lloyd

Posted By Robert Lloyd

The latest podcast from Phil Evans and Robert Lloyd. The Big Cwtsh – Episode 42. Now available on Soundcloud.
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Blog posts

Apologies for the break in blogging

Posted By Robert Lloyd

Apologies for the break in blogging.
It’s been a bit hectic on the work front.
Hoping to resume a regular service shortly.


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Carmarthen West link road officially opened

Posted By Robert Lloyd

A new £6.15million link road connecting Carmarthen town centre with the west has officially opened.
The Carmarthen West scheme, led by Carmarthenshire County Council, opened to vehicles on Friday afternoon (March 8, 2019).
The road connects the A40 at Travellers Rest with College Road providing direct access to the trunk road network for key employment sites at St David’s Park, Hywel Dda Health Board’s Hafan Derwen and the University of Wales Trinity St David’s Carmarthen campus.
It also serves the new S4C headquarters Yr Egin, a major project for the Swansea Bay City Region.
Carmarthenshire County Council has funded the scheme, with grant support through the Welsh Government’s Local Transport Fund, and a contribution through a planning agreement with developers.
Carmarthen West has been identified as a strategic site within the council’s Local Development Plan and is allocated for mixed use development including 1,100 new homes, a primary school, employment space, a small retail centre, open space and affordable housing.
Local firm Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd has delivered the scheme, completing the first phase in October 2017 with the opening of a new junction at Job’s Well Road, laying of services and the formation of the route of the road. A new arch bridge has also been constructed over the Tawelan Brook.
The second phase commenced May 2018 and finished this week.

Cllr Hazel Evans, Executive Board Member for Environment, said: “This is a huge transport scheme that will improve the road network and complement a number of key development schemes in the pipeline for Carmarthen West. It will help ease traffic congestion in this busy part of the town, and cut down journey times for commuters whilst benefitting the environment.”
Cllr Emlyn Dole, Leader and Executive Board Member for Regeneration, said: “The Carmarthen West link road brings a significant economic benefit to the county, opening up new links for business in the long-term. It has also created employment and training opportunities during the construction phase.
“We’re grateful to Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd for their work to deliver this scheme, and we were pleased to see people using it just minutes after it was officially opened.”
In figures
Delivering the Carmarthen West link road has been no mean feat….
1,800 metres of road created
40,000 tonnes of ground excavated
13,000m2 of Tarmac laid
4,000 metres of kerbing
2,500 metres of drainage pipe laid
90 lighting columns installed
Three roundabouts
One bridge built, with a 19 metre span pre-cast concrete arch
One signalised junction

Video –

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