A huge clean-up operation is underway to deal with the aftermath of the worst flooding Carmarthenshire has seen in decades.
Carmarthenshire County Council’s operational team has now switched its efforts from emergency response to recovery and supporting affected communities and businesses.
Additional resources have been put in place to collect ruined carpets, furniture and other waste, with cages and skips being dispatched to worst hit areas. People are advised to check with their insurers before disposing of any items.
Dehumidifers have been provided to as many homes as possible.
A hardship fund has been established for residents most in need of financial support, and housing officers will be visiting homes and helping people to complete and submit insurance claims.
Business support officers are also making contact with retailers and businesses to support them, and rate relief is also being sought from Welsh Government.
Highways, cleansing and refuse crews continue to sweep and clean debris left by the receding floods, and inspections will take place on all affected road surfaces, verges and bridges.
Specialist teams are being drafted in to support crews, including divers to inspect underwater structures and areas that have experienced land slide.
The council continues to urge people to take extra care and to allow extra time for their journeys as a number of diversions will remain in place.
Carmarthenshire County Council Chief Executive Mark James said: “Our staff have been working hard to respond in extremely difficult conditions. Now that the flood waters have subsided we have shifted our focus from response to recovery and we are doing all we can to support everyone affected.
“A full assessment of the damage is underway, and, as well as working with partner agencies, we are also speaking with Welsh Government to ensure appropriate resources are in place.”

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