Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn said he could not agree with a suggestion that council tax be used to fund private security companies instead of the police.
A question had been put to him by a member of the public at a recent meeting of the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel, which holds him and his office to account.
The questioner said they had lost confidence in the police, particularly in reference to drug-related crime, and asked if it was ‘time for our council tax to fund the police less and use it to fund private security companies to police our community instead’.
Mr Llywelyn said he was disappointed, and didn’t feel it was an idea ‘even to be considered’.
“Confidence in (Dyfed Powys) policing is the best across England and Wales – we have the best performance,” he said.
“The force is proactively tackling drugs in our communities. We have seen a significant increase in gangs from the west, exploiting the young, adult drug users, and vulnerable persons to use their properties – known as County Lines – and the force has put in place specific operations to address this.”
The Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel is made up of representatives of the four counties in the force area, plus two independent members.
Members of the public can attend meetings and can ask the Panel to put a question to the Commissioner on their behalf.
Questions will be publicised on the agenda and will be answered by Mr Llywelyn at the next available panel meeting.
Panel Chair Cllr Alun Lloyd Jones said: “It is our role to scrutinise the Police and Crime Commissioner and we are happy to present the views of the public or any queries they may have.”

Questions can be submitted online at www.dppoliceandcrimepanel.wales, or in writing to DPPandCrimepanel@carmarthenshire.gov.uk, but must be received at least 10 days before the next meeting of the Panel.
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